Home Latest Zelensky says swathe of Ukraine contaminated with mines

Zelensky says swathe of Ukraine contaminated with mines

Zelensky says swathe of Ukraine contaminated with mines


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday referred to as for long-term assist in clearing his war-ravaged nation of mines and different unexploded ordnance, which he mentioned now cowl an space roughly the dimensions of Cambodia.

In a video deal with to New Zealand’s parliament, Zelensky described Russia’s almost year-old invasion as an “ecocide” that might have lasting impression and implored Wellington and others to step up assist.

“As of now, 174,000 square kilometres (67,000 square miles) of Ukrainian territory are contaminated with mines and unexploded ordnance,” Zelensky informed lawmakers.

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That is an space roughly the dimensions of Cambodia, Syria or Uruguay.

Zelensky urged New Zealand — whose army has intensive expertise in mine clearing — to assist lead the clean-up effort.

“There is no real peace for any child who can die from a hidden Russian antipersonnel mine,” he mentioned.

He added that each the Black Sea and the neighbouring Sea of Azov had been additionally affected by mines “and have lost hundreds of thousands of living creatures, those who died as the result of the hostilities”.

The Ukrainian chief has addressed dozens of overseas parliaments over the previous 10 months, in search of to maintain and strengthen a worldwide coalition in assist of Ukraine’s defence efforts.

New Zealand has thus far equipped Kyiv with modest quantities of apparatus and army coaching however has despatched greater than 100 personnel to Europe to provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine recommendation on soldiering.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern indicated New Zealand can be keen to assist with the cleanup effort and in rebuilding the nation.

“I want to acknowledge your further calls for support, especially around the long-term impacts of war, including the long-term impact on the environment,” Ardern mentioned.

“We are with you as you seek peace, but we will also be with you as you rebuild.”

New Zealand’s authorities on Wednesday pledged an additional US$2 million in humanitarian assist to assist Ukraine via the winter.

It additionally highlighted sanctions imposed a day earlier on Iran, which has offered Russia with scores of drones which have attacked Ukrainian cities and infrastructure.

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