Home Latest 2023-24 MIAC All-Sports Competition – Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

2023-24 MIAC All-Sports Competition – Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

2023-24 MIAC All-Sports Competition – Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference


A touring All-Sports Trophy is awarded to the school that accumulates the most effective all-sports document in the course of the MIAC educational yr. The MIAC All-Sports trophies had its beginnings within the 1963-64 college yr, when Bob Schabert, who, on the time, coated the MIAC for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, started figuring out males’s all-sports outcomes. The present males’s trophy, the George Durenberger Trophy, was donated by Saint John’s University starting within the 1972-73 college yr. The ladies’s trophy, the Pat Wiesner Trophy, was donated by Macalester College starting within the 1983-84 college yr, a yr after ladies’s sports activities competitors started within the MIAC. Starting within the 2003-2004 season, the willpower of the All-Sports trophy altered barely. First place factors are decided by the variety of groups taking part in that sport. Second place, third place, and many others., obtain factors in a descending order, based mostly on the primary place level complete. Prior to this modification, willpower of the recipients of the All-Sports trophies was calculated as follows: Men – 11 factors shall be awarded for first place, 10 for second, 9 for third, and many others. Women – 12 factors for first, 11 for second, and many others. Conference champion factors are listed in daring.

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