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‘Address challenges in AI, technology in education’

‘Address challenges in AI, technology in education’


Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte

STAR/Mong Pintolo

MANILA, Philippines — Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte has urged schooling policymakers and specialists to handle the challenges and “uncertainties” in the usage of synthetic intelligence (AI) and different rising applied sciences in digital schooling.

Speaking earlier than authorities leaders and schooling stakeholders on the 2023 Global Education and Innovation Summit (GEIS) in Seoul, South Korea final Thursday, Duterte stated the arrival of AI would create a “paradigm shift” in schooling, thus it have to be harnessed with the goal of bettering the scholars’ entry to high quality schooling.

“We now live in an era where undeniably, technology must be harnessed to improve access, quality and equality in education. And the advent of artificial intelligence will certainly create another paradigm shift in education. While this possibility will present newer and greater opportunities, it will also present many uncertainties in our vision of digital education,” she added.

At current, the usage of AI in schooling nonetheless evokes disgrace or worry as a result of it’s nonetheless comparatively unknown by the plenty, in keeping with the Vice President.

“Last night, I was editing the keynote message for this morning. And I was telling my colleague, ‘Why are we editing this keynote? Shouldn’t we use AI to edit this keynote at this hour?’ And then my colleague said, ‘Sshh, someone might hear you,’” she recounted.

“It appeared to me that AI evokes shame, evokes fear – because of the unknown,” she stated.


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Duterte famous that with the speedy development of know-how, learners are continually flooded with info, thus digital schooling should give attention to growing the scholars’ essential considering means.

“It is equally important to teach children how to differentiate truthful information from the untrue, to know what contributes to a learner’s development and what does not, and what will instill in them the correct values that will turn them into productive citizens of their respective countries. Critical thinking has become more important than ever,” she stated.

She added that digital schooling should even be geared towards growing the scholars’ communication expertise, collaboration and creativity.

The schooling chief additionally referred to as on policymakers and stakeholders to be “responsive to the effects of technology in our educational systems.”

“This means recognizing quickly what is not working and change it, to continuously improve even if it is a success and to always keep in mind that the most important result is not the technology itself, but how it affects the development of our learners,” she stated.

Lastly, Duterte emphasised that “adaptability and sustainability of new technology in education systems must be studied by the end users before implementation.”

“This is in line with the thought that government programs and policies should be designed according to the behavior of people. We must recognize that some technologies may work for one ecosystem, but it may not work for others. It is the teachers and students who will be using it that will determine its effectivity,” she stated.

“The ultimate result of all our efforts should be the molding of productive and peaceful global citizens, equipped with 21st century skills, but with a heart for nation-building,” she added.

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