Home Latest Ex-convict who abused his daughter’s faculty roommates will get 60 years in jail

Ex-convict who abused his daughter’s faculty roommates will get 60 years in jail

Ex-convict who abused his daughter’s faculty roommates will get 60 years in jail


In this courtroom sketch, defendant Lawrence Ray (left) makes an announcement throughout his sentencing in Manhattan federal courtroom on Friday in New York, as his protection legal professional, Peggy Cross-Goldenberg seems on.

Elizabeth Williams by way of AP

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Elizabeth Williams by way of AP

In this courtroom sketch, defendant Lawrence Ray (left) makes an announcement throughout his sentencing in Manhattan federal courtroom on Friday in New York, as his protection legal professional, Peggy Cross-Goldenberg seems on.

Elizabeth Williams by way of AP

NEW YORK — An ex-convict who obtained thousands and thousands of {dollars} by subjecting his daughter’s ex-college roommates to compelled labor and prostitution was sentenced Friday to 60 years in jail by a decide who labeled him an “evil genius” who used sadism and psychological torture to manage each side of his victims’ lives.

Lawrence “Larry” Ray, 63, was sentenced in Manhattan federal courtroom by Judge Lewis J. Liman.

“There is no reason to believe Mr. Ray will age out of criminal behavior,” Liman stated, noting that the crimes started when Ray moved in late 2010 into his daughter’s on-campus housing at Sarah Lawrence College, a small New York liberal arts faculty.

The decide stated Ray charmed his victims along with his “exaggerated sense of self” and his intelligence earlier than “robbing them of their relationships, self worth, memories and then their bodies” after convincing them they’d poisoned him and owed him for it.

“Through psychological terror and manipulation, he convinced them what they knew to be true was in fact false,” Liman stated. “He beat his victims. He tortured them and at times he starved them. He degraded them sexually to the point where they lost any self worth.”

Once his susceptible victims had been diminished, Ray extorted them, compelled them to interact in labor and intercourse trafficked one girl, Liman stated.

“He had the evil genius to take people who were young, not minors, and he broke them … and then he used them for his evil needs,” the decide stated.

Liman introduced the sentence after Assistant U.S. Attorney Mollie Bracewell requested a life sentence, citing Ray’s “unspeakable cruelty.”

Given an opportunity to talk, Ray expressed no regret however decried his jail situations and bodily illnesses.

“Being in jail has been horrible,” he stated, noting that his father and each step-parents not too long ago died in the identical week.

Defense legal professional Marne Lenox argued towards a life time period, saying the 15-year obligatory minimal was ample, significantly as a result of Ray has skilled harsh situations whereas in federal jails.

She stated her consumer nonetheless believes he is harmless and that his victims poisoned him.

Ray was convicted at trial final April of fees together with racketeering, conspiracy, compelled labor and intercourse trafficking.

During the trial, one ladies testified that she grew to become a intercourse employee to attempt to pay reparations to Ray after changing into satisfied that she had poisoned him. She stated that, over 4 years, she gave Ray $2.5 million in installments that averaged between $10,000 and $50,000 per week.

In an announcement learn aloud at sentencing Friday by a lawyer, the lady stated she had been subjected to “unremitting sadistic torture” by a person who supplied a “twisted, empty and broken version of life.”

“Experiences I had while being sex trafficked haunt me today,” in keeping with her assertion. She stated Ray had compelled “us to hold his evil for him. … Each time we tried to put it down, he brutalized us.”

One sufferer who spoke stated he was residing a contented, thrilling life as a university sophomore when he met Ray “and all of that went up in smoke.” He stated he’d tried suicide greater than as soon as.

Another sufferer stated in courtroom that he fears Ray will discover a option to hurt him from jail.

During Ray’s trial, a number of college students testified that they had been drawn into Ray’s world as he informed them tales of his previous affect in New York City politics, together with his position in ruining the profession of former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik after serving as one of the best man at his wedding ceremony years earlier.

Ray had, actually, been a determine in a corruption investigation that derailed Kerik’s 2004 nomination by President George Bush to steer the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Ray was arrested in February 2020. At the time, then-U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman stated an investigation was launched after an article appeared in 2019 in New York journal.

As he imposed the sentence, Liman credited victims keen to testify for bringing justice for the sort of crimes “difficult to detect and difficult to prosecute.”

“This case shows the strength of the human spirit and the dedication of law enforcement,” Liman stated.

The decide stated Ray’s try and “extinguish lives” had failed and the sentence he introduced will guarantee Ray won’t ever once more hurt another person.

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