Home Latest Indonesia might enable visa free entry to Indian travellers: Details

Indonesia might enable visa free entry to Indian travellers: Details

Indonesia might enable visa free entry to Indian travellers: Details


The Indonesian ministry of tourism and artistic financial system has proposed issuing free entry visas to travellers from 20 nations together with India. This comes because the nation goals to extend vacationer visits and produce a multiplier impact on the financial system. Indonesia Tourism minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated, “The ministry proposed 20 countries with the highest (number of) foreign tourists, except for those with existing visa exemptions.”

Indonesia Visa for Indians: Indonesia goals to extend vacationer visits and produce a multiplier impact on the financial system.(Unsplash)

The provision of free entry visas to the 20 nations is anticipated to extend overseas vacationer visits which can generate a multiplier impact, he stated. It may also increase home consumption, appeal to funding and supporting the event of the digital financial system, he identified, including, “We are targeting quality tourists, especially those with longer stays and higher spending in the local economy,” he identified.

Which 20 nations are on Indonesia’s anticipated visa free listing?

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The 20 nations embody Australia, China, India, South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, amongst others.

Which nations present visa free entry to Indians?

Currently, 25 nations present visa-free entry to Indians. The newest additions embody Malaysia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. Malaysia joined the listing on December 1, following the federal government’s determination to spice up its tourism trade.

How many guests does Indonesia obtain?

There had been greater than 16 million overseas arrivals in Indonesia in pre-pandemic 2019, as per official knowledge. From January to October this yr, Indonesia acquired 9.49 million overseas guests. This marks a rise of 124.3% from the identical interval in 2022.

Have different nations put China on the visa-free listing?

Indonesia is the newest nation in Southeast Asia to think about waiving visas for China, following Singapore, which stated {that a} 30-day mutual visa exemption with China can be applied early subsequent yr.

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