Home FEATURED NEWS Italy PM urges India to play key position in ending Ukraine warfare

Italy PM urges India to play key position in ending Ukraine warfare



Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is urging India to play a central position in facilitating a negotiating course of to finish the Russian warfare towards Ukraine

India, with the rotating presidency of the Group of 20 industrialized and creating international locations, might signify the vulnerabilities and wishes of less-developed nations in such a course of, Meloni mentioned in a press release following talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

She condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and underscored its hostile affect on creating international locations when it comes to meals and vitality safety.

“India may play a central role in facilitating a negotiating process for cessation of hostilities” in Ukraine, Meloni said.

Modi reiterated his cautious stand by reaffirming that peace can be achieved only through diplomacy and dialogue, saying: “India is ready to support a peace initiative in that direction.”

So far, India has refrained from directly criticizing Russia’s invasion. The two have been allies since the Cold War-era and New Delhi depends on Moscow for nearly 60% of its defense equipment. India has increasingly scooped up Russian oil since the invasion a year ago, initially facing scrutiny from the U.S. and other allies over its growing purchases. That pressure has since waned and India has continued to abstain from voting in U.N. resolutions that condemn Russia’s war against Ukraine.

She mentioned commerce between the 2 international locations had doubled in two years to greater than $53 billion. Both sides referred to as for increasing cooperation in protection, inexperienced vitality, digital transition, cyber safety and house.

Primary Indian exports to Italy embody ready-made clothes, leather-based, iron ore, motor automobiles, textiles, chemical compounds, gems and jewellery. India primarily imports from Italy equipment, machine instruments, metallurgical merchandise and engineering objects. Around 140 giant Italian firms are lively in India.

Meloni conveyed to Modi her authorities’s want to reboot protection ties with India. Modi mentioned there have been ample alternatives in protection manufacturing and co-production.

He mentioned the 2 international locations will begin joint army workouts and coaching programs for army personnel.

Their army ties have been broken in 2014 after India canceled a $670 million contract for 12 helicopters after Italian protection large Finmeccanica was accused of bribing Indian contacts to safe the deal.

India had obtained three helicopters and stopped the supply of the remaining 9 AW1010 helicopters.

India’s resolution to prosecute two Italian marines within the taking pictures deaths of two Indian fishermen in 2012 sparked a bitter row between the 2 nations. India’s Supreme Court in 2021 closed prison proceedings towards the Italian marines after Italy paid $1.3 million in damages, ending the long-simmering case.

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