Home Latest More than 10,000 march in Zurich against racism

More than 10,000 march in Zurich against racism

More than 10,000 march in Zurich against racism


People sit and hold banners during a Black Lives Matter protest, following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Zurich, Switzerland, June 13, 2020. REUTERS/Michael Schields

ZURICH (Reuters) – More than 10,000 people marched through Zurich on Saturday to demonstrate against racism, while a smaller leftist group apart from the main protest threw objects at police as the march was winding down.

Chanting “Black lives matter”, “No Justice, no peace”, and “Say his name: George Floyd”, the protesters, most clad entirely in black, snaked through the centre of Switzerland’s financial hub, joined by thousands more in other Swiss cities.

Demonstrations have been held around the world against racism and police abuses since the death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis last month.

Even though Swiss gatherings of more than 300 people are banned to help curb the spread of the new coronovirus, police said they would tolerate the unauthorised assembly as long as it remained peaceful.

As the main march was dispersing, authorities clashed with a separate group of around 300 leftist agitators gathered in a square in the city centre who were throwing stones and bottles, police said.

Police used pepper spray and detained several people. One policeman was hurt.

Reporting by Michael Shields; Editing by David Holmes


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