Home FEATURED NEWS Rare Copper-Headed Snake Rescued In Odisha’s Mayurbhanj: Official

Rare Copper-Headed Snake Rescued In Odisha’s Mayurbhanj: Official

Rare Copper-Headed Snake Rescued In Odisha’s Mayurbhanj: Official


Rare Copper-Headed Snake Rescued In Odisha's Mayurbhanj: Official

A rare species of snake was found in a gap between the two wall.

Mayurbhanj (Odisha):

A rare species of snake was found in a gap between the two walls at the residential office of Mayurbhanj District Collector on Frida.

Wildlife warden, Mayurbhanj District, Vanoo Mitra Acharya told ANI, “Yesterday, a rare copper headed trinket snake was rescued from District Collector’s residential office in Mayurbhanj district.”

The snake later handed over to the forest department as per the protocol, he said.


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