Home Latest Practices Begin Sept. 7 For Fall Sports In Escambia County, First Games Sept. 18 : NorthEscambia.com

Practices Begin Sept. 7 For Fall Sports In Escambia County, First Games Sept. 18 : NorthEscambia.com

Practices Begin Sept. 7 For Fall Sports In Escambia County, First Games Sept. 18 : NorthEscambia.com


The Escambia County School District will allow practices for fall sports to begin September 7, with the first games as early as September 18.

Tryouts for student athletes will be conducted the week of August 31 through September 4.

School athletic directors are will work together to create game schedules, with as little travel out of the area as possible, said Escambia County School Athletic Director Roger Mayo.

It’s not known yet if schools will take part in the state playoff series or if an small regional conference might be formed.

Mayo said a Panhandle regional conference has been discussed For Escambia, Santa Rosa and other Panhandle counties. The possibility is still in play presently.

“It’s just too early to tell right now,” Mayo said Monday.

Spectators will be allowed at sports in Escambia County, but football game attendance will be limited to allow adequate social distancing.

“Face coverings will be worn in district facilities as directed by staff and instructional leaders,” the Escambia School District said in a statement. If a situation arises whereas a student, member of staff, or a visitor is not wearing, or is incapable of wearing a face covering, such individual may be assisted or guided by appropriate authorities within the district to undertake alternative, reasonable, and accommodating actions to protect self and others.”

Mayo said the face mask requirement will include football stadiums.


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