Home Health Punjabi Chitt Is THE Ultimate Sabzi You Must Try Before Winter Ends

Punjabi Chitt Is THE Ultimate Sabzi You Must Try Before Winter Ends

Punjabi Chitt Is THE Ultimate Sabzi You Must Try Before Winter Ends


Winter in Punjab is all about blankets, mittens, bonfires, and good meals. The season brings alongside a variety of recipes which might be flavorful, heat, and good for well being. One such conventional Punjabi dish, generally made in the course of the winter, is ‘Chitt’. To put it merely, it’s a flavorful ginger-garlic sabzi, which, in keeping with Chef Guntas Sethi, makes an awesome choice for these down with viral and seasonal flu. So, earlier than the season ends, we determined to share with you the winter-special Chitt recipe that it’s essential to give a attempt. Let’s take you thru the recipe.

What Makes Punjabi Chitt Recipe So Popular During The Winter Season:

As talked about by Chef Guntas, Chitt makes an ideal dish to push back the flu in the course of the winter season. Wonder why? It is as a result of each ginger and garlic are full of antioxidants, and anti inflammatory and antiseptic properties that assist flush out toxins and shield your physique from numerous hazards. Moreover, ginger accommodates gingerol which helps heal a sore throat and physique irritation and prevents any sort of oxidative stress. You can get pleasure from Chitt within the type of soup or pair it with rice and roti for a healthful meal.

Also Read: 5 Mouthwatering Punjabi Chicken Recipes That’ll Spice Up Your Indian Food Game

Punjabi Ginger-Garlic Recipe: How To Make Punjabi Chitt:

“This is a traditional Punjabi recipe, also known as ‘Chitt’, mainly prepared during the winter season to keep you warm and boost immunity! It also helps clear a blocked nose and release the sinuses,” explains Chef Guntas Sethi.

To begin with, pound garlic, ginger, and inexperienced chillies and saute the combo with some ghee in a pan. Next, add purple chilli powder, turmeric powder, and salt and provides the whole lot a combination. To it, add water and milk and blend effectively. Bring the sabzi to a boil and serve sizzling. Yes, the recipe is that straightforward, but extraordinarily flavorful.

Watch the detailed recipe video under:

Also Read: 5 Delicious Punjabi Recipes To Spruce Up Your Lunch Spread

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- that is what Somdatta likes to name herself. Be it when it comes to meals, individuals or locations, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A easy aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and film could make her day.

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