Home Latest Ukraine disaster might be resolved solely by way of dialogue, diplomacy: Modi

Ukraine disaster might be resolved solely by way of dialogue, diplomacy: Modi

Ukraine disaster might be resolved solely by way of dialogue, diplomacy: Modi


New Delhi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday mentioned that the Ukraine disaster might be resolved by way of dialogue and diplomacy.

In a joint assertion after bilateral talks along with his visiting Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni, Modi mentioned that “India has made it clear from the beginning that Ukraine dispute can be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy”.

On her half, Meloni expressed hope that India having the G20 Presidency can play a central function in facilitating a negotiating course of for the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine.

“Keeping the multilateral community together is important and we hope the Indian presidency can do it even more,” Meloni, who’s on her first go to to India, mentioned.

“Prime Minister Modi is aware of he can depend on us, on our cooperation for the G20 summit, to additional improve our relationship. I consider there’s a lot we are able to do collectively.:

Speaking on the bilateral relations between the 2 nations, Modi welcomed Italy’s lively participation within the Indo-Pacific area.

“It is a matter of happiness that Italy has decided to join the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative,” Modi mentioned.

“We wanted to further boost this relation and this is the reason why we have decided to turn our partnership into a strategic partnership because we have very solid relationship,” Meloni mentioned within the joint assertion.

Modi mentioned that the nations can be establishing a ‘Start Up Bridge’ between India and Italy.

“We welcome this. There is one more sector wherein both the countries are beginning a new chapter, that is defence cooperation,” he knowledgeable.

“In the defence manufacturing sector in India, alternatives for co-production and co-development are arising which might be helpful for each the nations. We have additionally determined to conduct common joint train and coaching programs.

“In the combat in opposition to terrorism and separatism, India and Italy are strolling shoulder-to-shoulder. We have held detailed dialogue to additional strengthen this cooperation.

“This year India and Italy are celebrating the 75th anniversary of bilateral relationship. India will further strengthen its relationship with Italy in the fields of renewable energy, hydrogen, IT, telecom, semiconductors and space,” Modi added.

Earlier, Modi welcomed Meloni, saying that the folks of Italy voted for her and she or he turned the primary girl and youngest Prime Minister of Italy.

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“I congratulate her on behalf of Indians for this historic achievement,” he mentioned.

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