Home FEATURED NEWS US Vice-President Kamala Harris names Indian-American to National Space Council Advisory Group : The Tribune India

US Vice-President Kamala Harris names Indian-American to National Space Council Advisory Group : The Tribune India




Washington, December 29

Vice President Kamala Harris has named Indian American Rajeev Badyal to a key nationwide area advisory group, which is tasked to take care of a sturdy and accountable US area enterprise and protect area for present and future generations, the White House has mentioned.

Badyal, vice-president of Project Kuiper of Amazon, is among the many 30 area consultants named by Harris to the National Space Council’s Users Advisory Group (UAG) on December 16.

Harris had named US Air Force Rtd General Lester Lyles as chair of the UAG. Project Kuiper is a long-term initiative to launch a constellation of Low Earth Orbit satellites that may present low-latency, high-speed broadband connectivity to unserved and underserved communities world wide.

Previously he was the vice chairman of satellites at SpaceX.

He has a Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Oregon State University.

The UAG will present the National Space Council recommendation and proposals on issues associated to area coverage and technique, together with however not restricted to, authorities insurance policies, legal guidelines, rules, treaties, worldwide devices, programmes, and practices throughout the civil, industrial, worldwide, and nationwide safety area sectors, the White House mentioned in an announcement.

The 30 members named to UAG symbolize a cross-section of firms and organisations that help the United States’ giant and extremely expert area workforce; customers of area companies, together with local weather scientists and agriculture suppliers; people targeted on creating the following technology of area professionals; and main consultants in area, it added.

#Kamala Harris

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